Sonu Prasad Gupta

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Why is SSL certificate important for a website?

Why SSL Certificate is important for website

Securing your site with an SSL certificate is essential for protecting visitors from hackers who might try to steal their personal information or even take over your site.

Did you know that securing your site also protects your brand reputation?

SSL certificate ensures that data sent between a user and a server is secure. They are widely used to encrypt sensitive information such as credit card numbers, passwords, and other confidential data.

An SSL certificate helps prevent cybercriminals from stealing your customers’ personal information. In addition, it helps ensure your company’s reputation because it shows that you care about customer privacy.

What is an SSL Certificate?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates are digital documents that bind a website’s public key to its identity. When a user visits a site using their browser, they send a request to the server containing the URL of the page they wish to view. The server then sends back a certificate signed by a trusted authority stating that the website is who they claim to be. The browser verifies the signature and displays the website’s address in the address bar.

Types of SSL certificates

1. Domain Validated (DV)

A domain validated (DV) SSL certificate is issued based on the identity of the organization owning the website address. A DV SSL certificate is only valid if the organization’s name matches the name listed on the certificate. In order for a DV SSL certificate to be trusted, the organization must have been verified by a third-party Certificate Authority (CA).

2. Organization Validated (OV)

An OV SSL certificate is issued based upon the identity of the organization associated with the website address. An OV SSL certificate is only valid when the organization’s public key is registered with the CA that signed the certificate. If the organization changes its name, then the certificate becomes invalid.

3. Extended Validation (EV)

The EV SSL certificate is issued based solely on the identity of the company. There is no verification of the organization’s ownership of the website address. An EV SSL certificate is considered trustworthy even though the organization may not own the website address.

4. Wildcard SSL

Wildcard certificates allow organizations to secure multiple subdomains under a single certificate. These certificates are commonly used for securing email servers, webmail services, and other applications that require multiple domains.

5. Multi-Domain SSL

Multi-domain SSL certificates are used to secure multiple websites using a single certificate. Each site uses a different subject alternative name (SAN), which means each site gets its own unique certificate.

Why should I use SSL Certificate?

There are many reasons why you should consider securing your website with an SSL certificate. Here are just a few:

1. End-to-end encryption

SSL certificates provide end-to-end encryption between the browser and website server. When a user visits a site that uses an SSL certificate, they know their information is secure. Without an SSL certificate, users have no way of knowing if their data is safe while being transmitted over the internet.

2. Authentication

SSL certificates verify the identity of the website owner. If someone else owns the domain name, then the SSL certificate would not be valid. A valid SSL certificate ensures that the site is owned by the person who registered it.

3. Privacy

SSL certificates protect the privacy of visitors to the website. By using an SSL certificate, the website owner can ensure that only authorized people can access their content.

4. Trustworthiness

SSL certificates help build trust among web browsers. Web browsers use the security features provided by SSL certificates to determine whether or not a website is trustworthy.

5. Security

SSL certificates help prevent cyber attacks. Cyber attackers often attempt to steal sensitive information from websites. Using an SSL certificate helps prevent them from accessing any sensitive information.

6. Identity Theft Protection

SSL certificates help prevent identity theft. Identity thieves may try to impersonate a legitimate website owner in order to gain unauthorized access to personal information. SSL certificates help keep identity thieves out of websites.

7. Website Ranking

SSL Certificate helps to boost website ranking. Search engines look at SSL certificate to determine how trustworthy the website is.

What happens if my website isn’t secured?

1. Lose visitors

If you don’t secure your website, you’re losing out on potential customers. When people visit your website they want to know what information they need to provide to get their desired results. If they have to enter personal information, they may not even bother visiting your site at all.

2. Business will suffer

If someone enters personal information on your website, then your business could suffer. If your website is hacked, thieves could steal your customer’s personal information and use it for fraudulent purposes.

3. Reputation suffers

If someone hacks your website, they could post negative reviews about your company online. Hackers could also sell your customer’s personal information to third parties.

4. Brand value goes down

Your brand is everything to your business. When hackers attack your website, they could damage your brand. A hacker could change your logo, add inappropriate content, or make your website look unprofessional.

5. Website loses credibility

A hacked website looks bad. People who visit your website might think your website was compromised. That means less traffic and no sales.

6. Website becomes inaccessible

If you don’t take steps to protect your website, hackers could gain access to your website and delete files, change passwords, or install malware. In extreme cases, hackers could shut down your entire website.

7. Website goes offline

If your website is hacked, hackers could delete files, change passwords and install malware. In some cases, hackers could even shut down your entire website!


SSL Certificates are essential for securing websites and protecting sensitive information. They also provide additional security features such as encryption, authentication, and data integrity.


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Sonu Prasad Gupta

Sonu Prasad Gupta

Sonu Prasad Gupta is the founder and CEO of (Host Sonu). He specializes in website design, web development, and SEO.

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