Sonu Prasad Gupta

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Build Your Website in Just One Hour

Build Your Own Website

Are you looking to build a website?

Don’t know how to code?

Don’t have any technical skills?

And don’t know what things needed?

In this post I’m going to explain how you can build a website in just less than one hour without using code.

If you have just one hour spare, then this post could potentially be a game changer for you.

Why build your own website?

There are many benefits to building your own website. Whether it be for business, fun or as a hobby, there is a space on the internet for your website to thrive and become popular in it’s own right.

Here are few reasons why people build their own websites:

  • To promote their business
  • To share their passion
  • To make money
  • To get a Job
  • To get clients or customers

What you need to build a website?

There are only 4 Quick steps to building your own website!

So let’s start Right now!

1. Choose a domain name: A domain name is online address for your website. Where people can find your website on internet. So it should short and easy to remember.

How to get a domain name?

Getting a domain name from, is very easy. It’s like to buy a candy.

  • Visit SonuPrasadGupta.Com
  • Go to Domain → Domain Name Search
  • Search for your domain on Domain Registration page in the domain search field.
  • When you find the domain you want and it’s available to register, add it to the cart and complete checkout.

2.’s Website Builder: 1500+ of unique designs that created just for your industry. Customize them to reflect your one-of-a-kind idea. All plans include website hosting, security (SSL), responsive mobile design and 24/7 support. Create a professional looking website by adding and removing pre-design sections. No technical skills needed.

Why’s Website Builder?
It’s easy!
  • Intuitive image and content uploader: Super easy to add image and content. It’s impossible to get a great looking website without images.
  • Automatic alignment: All content and images are automatically aligned and re-sized so you can spend more time promoting your business and less time aligning stuff.
  • Updates are simpler: You can change the design, including layouts, colors and fonts, very easily anytime, without having to re-enter or rep-format your content.
  • Auto Save: Changes are instantly saved. No loss of work.
  • All-in-one Integration: You can easily add a shop to your site or add other components, such as an email signup form, content form or customer testimonials, without needing to rework on the site.
It’s Attractive!
  • Modern theme in professional Templates: Tons of simples of what you can expect from your website builder site. Theme designs are fresh and modern, just like your business.
  • Global fonts: Fonts are updated globally, so the fonts automatically updates everywhere on your site and the font families work well together.
  • Global colors: Colors are updated globally and smart enough to apply proper contrast against light or dark backgrounds.
It’s mobile friendly!
  • Mobile and desktop preview: You can preview what you site will look like on a desktop or mobile device at the same time.
  • Mobile designer included: You can begin building your website on a desktop and easily make updates on your mobile device wherever you are. You won’t have to spend extra time building a mobile-friendly site or worry about making any additional DNS redirects.
How to get’s Website Builder?
  • Visit SonuPrasadGupta.Com
  • Go to Websites → Website Builder
  • Choose a plan that suits your needs, add it to the cart and complete checkout.

3. Set up your SonuPrasadGupta.Com’s website builder site: Creating a website for your business is a great way to build an online presence. SonuPrasadGupta.Com’s website builder is an online editing and publishing tool that helps you make a responsive website with no technical knowledge.

4. Publish your website: After you review your website and get it looking just the way you want, you’re ready to publish it.

More info

Build Your Own Site

leading edge technology and creative solutions that are accessible even to those who don’t have any technical and online marketing skills.


Take the first step to get your business online.

Find the domain name that helps your business thrive.
Sonu Prasad Gupta

Sonu Prasad Gupta

Sonu Prasad Gupta is the founder and CEO of (Host Sonu). He specializes in website design, web development, and SEO.

Take the first step to get your business online.

Find the domain name that helps your business thrive.
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