Sonu Prasad Gupta

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SEO Best Practices: That Take Your Business To The Next Level

SEO Best Practices

How often should I update my site? Should I wait until Google releases a new algorithm update or should I start updating now?

SEO has become a very important part of web development. If you want to rank well in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc., you need to take care of every aspect of your site. One of the most important aspects of SEO is regular updates.

There are two types of updates: technical and non-technical. Technical updates include things like adding new pages, fixing broken links, and improving page speed. Non-technical updates include things like adding fresh content, optimizing images, and creating social media profiles.

Here are SEO best practices can focus on will take your business to the next level:

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Basics

The first step to getting traffic to your website is optimizing your site for search engines. Search engine optimization is the practice of making sure your website shows up high in the results of a web search. There are many different ways to optimize your site, but they all fall under three categories: Technical SEO, On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

Technical SEO – This includes adding a sitemap, robots.txt file, correct redirects, fixing broken links, etc. Technical SEO helps to fix issues that cause the search engine bots to not crawl and index a website.

On-Page SEO – This includes things like using keywords in the title tag, Meta description tags, URL, heading tags, image alt tag, internal links, etc. You should always use relevant keywords in these places.

Off-Page SEO – This refers to things like link building, article writing, article submissions, social media sharing, etc. Off-page SEO is great way to get visitors to your site, but it takes time.

2. Keyword Research

Keywords are the words people type into search engines to find information online. These keywords are often referred to as “search terms” or “keywords”. When someone searches for something on Google, they use these keywords to find what they want. If your website isn’t showing up in the results, then no one will ever find it. That’s why keyword research is so important. You need to know what people are searching for before you start building your site. There are many online tools available you can use to keywords research. Here are listed some of these:

3. Content Creation

Content creation is the act of producing written content for your website. There are many different types of content you can create, including blog posts, articles, guides, ebooks, etc. The goal of this content should always be to provide value to both current and potential customers. If you don’t have any valuable content yet, you’re going to struggle to get traffic to your website. And if you do have content, make sure you’re publishing at least 2-3 times per week.

4. Social Media

Social media is a great way to promote your website. All you have to do is share relevant content to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Then sit back and watch the traffic pour in. Here are some quick social sharing tips:

Facebook – Share our video on your wall and tell your friends about us!

Twitter – Tweet out our link and say hi!

Instagram – Follow us and show us some love!

LinkedIn – Share our article and let your connections know!

Pinterest – Pin our images and add them to your boards!

5. Website Optimization

Website optimization includes everything from coding to design. But coding is only half of the equation. The other half is making sure your website is mobile friendly, uses speed loaders, and loads fast. Make sure you’re using a good platform like WordPress, Joomla, Magento or Host Sonu Website Builder!

6. Website Security

Website security is one of the most important factors in SEO. It protects against data leaks, cyber-attacks, and other types of digital crimes as well as ensures safety and stability of the website. If your website isn’t secure, you can easily lose your customers and have them go to a competitor’s site.

7. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for any business. It helps businesses get their message out to customers and potential clients. When done right, email marketing can help businesses increase sales, build brand awareness, and improve customer service.


SEO is a crucial component of online marketing strategy. It will help you to take your business to next level.

If you need more information on how to optimize SEO best practices on your website, or need help to SEO optimization, just reach out and my team will get back to you ASAP.


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Sonu Prasad Gupta

Sonu Prasad Gupta

Sonu Prasad Gupta is the founder and CEO of (Host Sonu). He specializes in website design, web development, and SEO.

Take the first step to get your business online.

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